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About Us

Son Reign Prison Ministry

Welcome to Son Reign Prison Ministries. Since 1983, we have been busy visiting Prisons around the United States, providing hope for hundreds of inmates.

We are an independent Ministry made up of many Churches throughout the Miami Valley area,

Minister Louise Wilson is the Leader of this Ministry and she continues to lead and Direct this Ministry, continuing to add People and their gifts and new ministries.

God has raised the bar for Son Reign to carry the Banner for those who are incarcerated and then he opened a door for finances. Son Reign and we are now supported by many local churches, who continue to help us carry the banner.

Son Reign believes that if we can help an inmate get on their feet spiritually and financially, they can become productive citizens.

Son Reign Believes that salvation is the only Rehabilitation for ex-offenders.

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Worship Services

Preaching & Teaching in Word & Song

Discipleship Class

Intercessory Prayer Services

Continuing in Fellowship through Our Quarterly Newsletter

Special Prayer for Inmates & Families upon Written/Spoken Request

Nursing Homes

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Recent Newsletter

SRPM's Spring 2023 Newsletter is available online as a PDF.


Giving Men Their Rightful Place

Louise Wilson's Book Released: June 2012. Available at Barnes & Nobles / Amazon.


Here are some of the prisons we have visited over the years.

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Belmont Correctional

St. Clairsville, OH

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Ohio Reformatory for Women

Marysville, OH

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Marion Correctional

Marion, OH

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Ross Correctional

Chillicothe, OH

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Chillicothe Correctional

Chillicothe, OH

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London Correctional

London, OH


I-Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, I saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast (border) and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not greive.

Our Staff

Meet Our Staff

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Louise Wilson


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Mike Haynes

Vice President

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Mark Smith


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Roderick Wilson
